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PDO Event #3 - 2023-2024 ~ May 08, 2024 (2 days)
A Collaborative Effort PDO, NOC, SDA, TAG, ESPD, IMAT, ESU CC, Distance Ed, BlendEd, Higher Ed, TLT
PDO Event #3

Please use this form to turn in any expense reimbursements.


By Dr. Freida Lange, Nebraska State Department


The purpose of the PDO procedures is to provide guidance to the ESU-PDO Coordinating Committee that is charged with developing and recommending an annual program of state-wide trainings. Click the link below to download the PDO procedures.


This publication is designed as a quick reference to easily get the complete list of PDO lists. Click on the link to begin a message to the list. To send to multiple lists, please copy and paste the email addresses into a new mail message. SDA - esusda@lists.k12.ne.us NOC - noc@lists.k12.ne.us TAG - tag@lists.k12.ne.us ESPD - sped@lists.k12.ne.us IMAT - instr-materials@lists.k12.ne.us ESUAA - esuaa@lists.k12.ne.us ESUPDO - esupdo@lists.k12.ne.us Coordinating Council - esupdo-coord@lists.k12.ne.us The complete list of all state-wide lists is at this web address. http://lists.k12.ne.us/mailman/listinfo