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Educational Resources Committee includes PDO and Student Services

Legal Committee - Legislative and Policies

ESUCC Executive Committee

ESUCC Information Services Committee ~ September 04, 2024
A Collaborative Effort ESU CC, NOC, TAG, IMAT, Distance Ed, BlendEd, TLT
Information Services to include Technology and Coop Committees

PDO Event #1 - 2024-2025 ~ September 10, 2024 (2 days)
A Collaborative Effort PDO, NOC, SDA, TAG, ESPD, IMAT, ESU CC, Distance Ed, BlendEd, Higher Ed, TLT
PDO Event #1

This is the list of the ESU Coordinating Council members.  

Click here to see a list of ESUCC Members. https://www.esupdo.org/Accounts/AccountList.aspx